This newsletter has some important dates, submissions required on Auckland Plan and summary of what the Executive have been focused on.
Important dates
These dates are also on the website calendar so please put these in your diary.
Friday 23 March 2018, from 6.30pm
Chelsea Cup home game
Please support our mens team against Milford and come watch some elite tennis.
Sunday 25 March 2018, to 2pm
Weetbix Kids Tryathlon
This event is in the morning and likely to be finished by 1.30pm. Have arranged with organisers to reserve parking spots for Club Day players.
Friday 6 April 2018, 6pm
Junior Prizegiving
Junior tournament from 4-6pm then prizegiving thereafter.
Sunday 6 May 2018, all day
Ladies Day
Mens Day and Ladies Day are a highlight of the year. If you have not participated before, the day involves fun tennis (doubles and paired evenly to ensure healthy social competition) and the opposite sex does all the cooking (teas, lunch and dinner provided). Entries are not limited to club members with prizes and raffles on offer.
Sunday 20 May 2018, all day
Mens Day
Saturday 26 May 2018, 7pm till late
End of season celebration
We will not be having a fancy dress theme this year but come along for an end of season celebration and prizegiving for club champs. Music and dancing and fun!
Sunday 1 July 2018, 2pm
Annual financial statements, discuss activities during the year and planned for following year, disposal of resolutions and elect Executive.
Submissions required on Auckland Plan – before 8pm 28 March
At a President’s Breakfast this week, Aktive noted in the current version of the Auckland Plan (Council’s 30 year vision for Auckland) there is a chapter (Chapter 5) dealing with sport and recreation. However, there is no dedicated chapter in the draft Auckland Plan. Instead attention is given to “belonging and participation”. As the Auckland Plan serves as a reference point for Council investment, the exclusion of a chapter on sport and recreation is a serious risk for the warranted level of funding for these activities.
We (together with Aktive, Harbour Sport and Tennis Northern) are appreciative of the funding Council puts into sport and recreation and will make a submission to ensure the investment in sports can accommodate a) the increased population growth in Auckland (especially on the Coast), and b) the deterioration of existing facilities. We encourage our members to also make submissions.
Submissions before 8pm on 28 March can be made through the channels below:
Website: here (under “other comments” on the online feedback form)
Twitter: Comments using @aklcouncil and #akhaveyoursay
Facebook: – using #akhaveyoursay
Please remember to thank the Council for their investment and recommend increased investment in sport and recreation. What about two more courts next to our clubhouse? That would be nice…
What the Executive have been focussed on
Since the November newsletter the Executive have met twice and we have:
Approved court lighting upgrade to LED. We have been undertaking comprehensive due diligence on this initiative for a long time and we will be upgrading the floodlights in late April/ early May. The cost of this project is ~$60k, with grants and donation receipts to date of $40k. We are incredibly appreciative to these funders, and will organise an unveiling ceremony once we know installation dates (lights are currently on a boat).
Focussed on publicising and adhering to our bar license conditions. We need to ensure we stay within the regulations as having a bar is a privilege, not a right. We ask that all members abide by these conditions.
Marketing of Chelsea Cup. Our Chelsea Cup team have played three home games, with their last match this Friday at home against Milford from 6.30pm. Please come down and watch some top class tennis and support our team.
Ngunguru visit. We have played a friendly match against Ngunguru for a number of years (alternating between home and away fixtures) and is preliminarily being organised for a May date. A separate communication will go out once this has been finalised.
Organising Mens and Ladies Days. As noted above these days are wonderful, social and funfilled so please let either Sarah or Brendon know if you want to play and/or want to assist in organising these days. Mens Day was cancelled last year due to court resurfacing and weather.
Feel free to discuss any of the above items with myself or other Executive officers.
I look forward to seeing you soon, with lots of great events on the calendar.
Brendon Forbes