Another successful Ladies Day drawn doubles tournament was held at Whangaparaoa Tennis Club on Sunday 1st May 2016.
With the committee of Cheryl Barrett, Sandy Spence, Julie Moodie, Veronika Cox, Karen Shields and Francee Thornton – everything was organised well for the day. Huge thanks to Larry Cross for preparing the draw and for the smooth running of the day, a huge task when you have 58 noisy ladies to sort!
Thanks also to all the men who helped with the morning tea, lunch and dinner, as well as superb food it was also fun to see the guys in the kitchen all enjoying themselves!
Grateful thanks also to Bryan for stocking up the bar, running the bar on the day and also assisting Larry with collecting the entry fees etc in the morning. Thanks to the Hibiscus Coast Vets Tennis Club for the use of their courts in the morning, without this, we would have a much smaller tournament.
It was great to once again have many entries from Glenfield Tennis Club and Waimauku Club – your support and enthusiasm is appreciated.
Thanks also to the wonderful sponsors who donated fabulous prizes, and especially to KGA Accountants Warkworth (Jacqueline Ironside) for the generous sponsorship of the event.
Winners – Nadine Wresnik & Vikki Tanner
Runners up – Karlene Magill & Jos Douglas
Winners – Julie Moodie & Adrienne Gilmour
Runners up – Liz Eygermans & Olya Omelchenko
Classic Plate:
Winners – Louise Couper & Jane Davis
Runners up – Veronika Cox & Margaret Shields
Winners – Kay Winegar & Christine Main
Runners up – Lee Colson & Jo Price