There is a lot going on – family wise, tennis wise, work wise and weather wise – so I’m just having to strap in and enjoy the ride.
Since the last newsletter in August the Committee have been going full tack with getting the season underway and huge thanks to everyone for their help. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes and so much time and effort goes in to making the club what it is. It is such a privilege serving with such dedicated members – a true sense of community. That being said…
Welcome, Mr President…….
The year is coming to an end and the kiddies are thinking about the end of term and what wonders await them in 2019. The same can be said of the adults, myself included! I’m not sure if you all know but another Forbes boy will be introduced to the Hibiscus Coast in February 2019, to be younger brother to Connor. I have let the Committee know that I will unfortunately therefore not be able to see out my two year term as President (due to end July 2020) so we will be looking for a new President at the next AGM. I will continue to (hopefully have the time to) play tennis and try fulfil all my other commitments.
… may attract attention from those nearby and the media….
The netball club had their AGM last week. They have had a sharp decline in senior membership and their committee is having a refresh, so they voted to investigate (among other initiatives) partnering with other sports clubs. Given we are across the carpark, they will likely reach out to us in due course to explore whether they are benefits to be achieved for both clubs. The Hibiscus Matters is reporting on the netball AGM outcome in next week’s edition so unsure whether the tennis club will be mentioned (nether us nor the netball club are allowed to see the draft article) but no discussions have been had yet. We will keep you informed.
…..but you should just continue doing what you do and try your best.
Here is a quick-fire summary of some of the activities we have been undertaking. Please feel free to approach the Committee members to hear more about these and other club activities – we love to chat about all the stuff we are doing to make the club better and your membership to be the best it can be.
- Courts – the courts were groomed again to ensure the sand is evenly dispersed and for the balls to bounce evenly (no excuses if you miss the ball!). The LED lights are magnificent and a number of other clubs have approached us to hear more about them and install LED’s at their clubs. I even have a fact sheet prepared given the number of enquiries received. Excuse the poor pun but other clubs are starting to see the light.
- Clubhouse – we received your feedback on the clubhouse about what you like and do not like, and potential improvements. A subcommittee are now working through the feedback and will decide on what we do. We also engaged an interior designer (free of charge!) to throw some of her ideas in to the mix. We will also be installing a water fountain outside so members (particularly juniors) can easily fill their water bottles without going into the kitchen.
- Competitions – interclub is full steam ahead, and Simon is doing very well posting up match reports on the email. We also had a successful Mixed Doubles club champs – thanks to those who competed and helped with food and organisation.
- Council – We have a record number of juniors and most junior programs are at capacity. Senior club days and interclub competitions also use all 6 courts. We have re-initiated our sporadic contact with the Council to assess the potential of adding two new courts adjacent to the clubhouse. This initiative has been ongoing across three Presidents and there are some philosophical differences that we have to work through and also wait for the wider “Supercity” initiatives to come to fruition. We use WGP College for the junior interclub and also the Manly Park Seniors (Vets) courts for overflow for senior interclub. Maybe netball courts may be an option.
- Coaching – Nico Martin has added his French flair and enthusiasm to the club as Assistant Coach to Ken. He is on a work visa and is loving the club and its vibrancy. I am sure he will have a number of great ideas for us to consider.
- Clubwear – we’re thinking about whether the club shirts are most suitable and are considering a different style/fabric. Some options will be brought to the Quiz Night on 15 December, and Simon may model them if you ask him nicely (he memorably modelled them for the Committee).
- Club days – we have implemented a system for the roster so that everyone playing gets a variety of matches with a variety of players. This will hopefully mean more consistency in how combinations are put together, greater opportunity to interact with players you may not regularly play against and chance to improve (or helps others improve).
- Christmas Comraderie – Quiz night is coming up on 15 December and we have reached capacity. This will be a great night and we’ll find out the random facts everyone knows (or does not know). Nibbles will be provided and music will be on offer by our talented inhouse band. True skill.
- Chelsea Cup – we will hopefully have a mens team in next year’s competition consisting mostly of the team from last year with potentially a few new faces. Hope I do not get the call up.
Feel free to discuss any of the above items with myself or other Committee officers).
Have some great tennis and see you on the court or socialising in the clubhouse.
Happy holidays and a ho, ho, ho…..
Brendon Forbes