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Edith Hopper Park, Ladies Mile, Manly

Enter Interclub Results

If you are the winning team you must enter your results into Match Hub within 48 hours of the game being played.

How do I enter my team’s interclub results?

1. Connect to the Internet.

2. Go to

3. You will see a Login window. Enter your Match Hub player code and password and click Login. If you do not have a password, or have forgotten it, then click the Request New Password button. If an error message appears please email [email protected] as your email address will be either missing or incorrect on the Match Hub system.

4. After logging in you must select the Competition, the Grade and the Interclub Round Number and opposition from the drop down list. Select the opposition team. Click the capture result button.

5. Next you will see the Interclub Results window. Enter your match results. There is a Help button that provides instructions should you require. Once entered, click the update button to submit the results.

6. The contest result and points are calculated automatically, unless it is a draw. If it is a draw, please manually enter the total sets won by each team. If this is even, then enter total games won for each team. Any errors will be highlighted in red. If you cannot find a player, or have any problems that you cannot fix, then write a note for the administrator in the box at bottom of the screen. The results will be saved even if they are incomplete or have errors. After completing the results click the Exit button. The administrator will adjust points calculations if required.

7. Use the Display Points Table button to see the current standings and review any match result. You may see 0-0 on the table if you entered a draw result. The points will be allocated by the administrator.

Frequently Asked Questions

I requested a password but it says my email is not registered? This means that for some reason your email is not in the system.
How to register your email: send an email to [email protected] and ask for your email to be registered for Match Hub Rankings. You will need to say which grade and club you play for.

I requested a password but it has not arrived in my inbox? If the email address you registered is a Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo or similar account the response from Match Hub may be sitting in your Junk Mail Inbox. If you still can’t find the password, your address in the system may be wrong. Please contact [email protected] to have it corrected or updated. 

Do I have to enter the results every week? And can someone else from my team enter them? It is the responsibility of the winning team to enter results, but if you notice the result is missing you (as the losing captain / manager) can still enter that result. If you would like someone else to enter the results you will need to give them your code and password or email [email protected] to have their email address linked to your Match Hub code. They will then have to apply for another password. All players with their email attached to their Match Hub code will be able to record results for the grade in which they play.

Junior Interclub team managers need to use their son / daughter or other team player’s code to enter the team results. You cannot use your player code to enter results for teams which you do not play for.

I can’t find a player in our team or the other team? If the player you are looking for does not appear in the drop down list of team players, click on the FIND button to do a search of their surname. If their name appears click on it and it will appear in grey under the appropriate box. If their name does not appear write a note for the Administrator in the box at the bottom of the screen giving full details of player’s name and position they played. Don’t forget to search all clubs as some players may have a player code from another club, if they play for more than one club.

When I go to enter the results it won’t let me in? Match Hub will not let you in once a result has been recorded. Even though you are the winning team sometimes your opposition may have already entered the result.

The other team has not entered the results? On your draw you will find the contact details of the other managers in your grade. Call, or email them, and ask them to enter the results. Losing team managers can enter the results at any time without risk of duplication. As a winning captain if you cannot enter your result it may be that the losing team captain has already entered them. Please check the results tables.

Our opposition defaulted but we have not been awarded any points? Senior and Junior Interclub default points are based on your team’s average for the season and they can only be calculated once all matches have been played at the end of the season. If a Senior team defaults a match the club will be fined and if the team defaults a third time they will lose their position in that grade for the rest of the season.